
Increase the impact of your stories and engagement with your audience by adding interactive overlays to your video content.


Improve Your Storytelling With Interactive Video

We’ve partnered with several different interactive platforms allowing us to offer tailored video solutions to drive the results you need. We have a detailed understanding of each platform’s strengths and limitations, meaning we can advise which approach will be best for you.

Learn how adding interactivity to your videos will enhance both your marketing campaigns and your internal communication and engagement strategies.

Improve your storytelling  with interactive video


Connect media effortlessly to your LMS, CRM or internal database for to provide personalised experiences

Increase Engagement

Use our AI tools to create content & experiences that listen and respond to your viewers spoken conversation

Make Shareable

Share your interactive videos on your website, social media channels, app, LMS, CMS or ad networks for true scale

Data Rich

Each hotspot, overlay or interactive question provides another point of data, which can be collected in real-time & tracked through your LMS.

Increase Viewer Engagement and Retention

• Create immersive and engaging experiences for your audience.
• Tap the hotspots within this video to learn  more about what's possible using the Vimeo  platform.

Personalise Learning

• Make learning fun, engaging and memorable.
• Allow viewers to click pop up links to access additional information.
• Measure understanding with interactive  quizzes and questions.

Monetise Your Content, Make Videos Shoppable

• Connect your account to Shopify, allowing viewers to purchase products from your video.
• Use our video shopping cart to let viewers add  products and check out.
• Add Paywalls to your content to purchase your  content before they watch.

Learning & Training

• Interactive stories allow you to create a self  directed viewing experience, enabling learning  at their own pace
• Each hotspot, overlay and interactive question provides another point of data, which can be  tracked through your LMS.

Get Started

Book a call to discuss options and we’ll share some case studies relevant to your industry

Internal Comms

• Add interactive overlays, chaptering and menus to provide a more personalised learning or on-boarding experience, as seen in this production for Deloitte
• Encourage collaboration and dialogue between different teams (and learners) when accessing an interactive experience at the same time.

Capture Valuable Data

• Add lead capture tools to encourage viewers to share their contact details, ask questions or  request a call back.
• Share data across thousands of applications.     
• Keep track of every sale by tracking which visitors click through to your website to make a purchase.
• Capture results from skill-based training assessments, quizzes and real life scenarios.

Video Branching

• An interactive video for customer service training for Radission Hotels.
• Video branching allows viewers to have a self directed viewing experience, where every choice you make affects how the narrative, or the leaning experience, progresses.

Interactive Tours

• Produced for Cambridge University, this interactive video offers clickable decision points to take viewers to different timestamps.
• Allow viewers to navigate their way around your campus, property or facilities.
• Offer access to additional media in response to what they want to watch or learn about next.

Gamified Learning

• Allow viewers to take part in a game show-style quiz, in a similar format to “Who Wants to Be a  Millionaire?”
• Help viewers’ improve knowledge and retention of information in a fun and engaging way, in this case the subject matter was Cybersecurity.
• By giving the viewer multiple choice questions with increasing difficulty, they feel a sense of accomplishment as they progress through each challenge, based on their performance.

View Comprehensive Reports

• Access detailed reports showing everything about your viewers, including time spent on the video, responses to questions and interactions.

• Give stakeholders visibility on how well your campaigns are working.

• Export data into CSV, integrate directly into third  party systems such as your LMS or CRM, via API or native connectors.

• Measure KPI’s such as engagement, views or impressions, on one or multiple videos. Understand what's working and what's not, in one centralised analytics dashboard.

• Update your videos without losing any of your data, likes, or comments, or even changing the URL.

Capture Valuable Data

• Add lead capture tools to encourage viewers to share their contact details, ask questions or request a call back.

• Share data across thousands of applications. Keep track of every sale by tracking which visitors click through to your website to make a purchase.

• Capture results from skill based training assessments, quizzes and real life scenarios.