Episodic Stories


Make a lasting impression by documenting remarkable stories your audience will love. Delivered over a 6 month period, this program involves the production of 6 films, each focused on a different theme or story centred around your business.


Are you ready to start sharing your brand’s stories?

Create more effective content with the time and resources you already have.

Craft Your Narrative

By understanding your mission, brand values, ethos and USP, we’ll work with you to identify a compelling narrative based around a common theme.

We’ll develop a content plan aligned with your strategic goals and objectives, defining how success will be measured throughout each stage of your campaign.

Pre-Production and Planning

As we develop scripts & storyboards, we’ll define a style and creative approach that engages your target audience and enhances the perception of your brand.

We’ll organise locations, equipment and crew to ensure a smooth schedule for each production, making sure you get maximum value out of our time together.

Create Binge Worthy Content

Ads that lack engagement don’t resonate with modern audiences.

When filming on location, we’ll capture visuals that resonate with your brand message, bringing the narrative of each episode to life in the most engaging way possible.

Our approach ensures each story told is authentic & impactful.

Post-Production and Distribution

Edit, trim, arrange & promote. Enhance filmed content to create cohesive and engaging storylines, while ensuring brand appeal and consistency.

Distribution strategy will be implemented to share each episode with your target audience through various channels, according to plan. We will then add interactive overlays if required.

Content plans for a 6 part series are fully customised, but may involve:

Episode 1: The Genesis

Focus: Company History and Culture
Objective: Establish a strong foundation and emotional connection with the audience by showcasing your company’s origin, mission and values. Articulating a sense of “Why” the company was founded, the problem it set out to solve, how your product or services evolved over time, in response to customer feedback and market conditions. 
Potential Content: Founders story, how and where you get your inspiration, challenges you have overcome. Feature interviews with team members who’ve been with you from the start, historical images/footage, stories of company milestones.

Episode 2: Behind the Scenes

Focus: Operations and Day-to-day Life
Objective: Highlight the inner workings, team dynamics, and the people who drive your organisation. Showcase your work with clients and how you measure their success.
Potential Content: A day in the life of various roles, operational workflow, meet the leadership team. See how different departments work together. Include insights into how you create, develop and deliver your products/services.

Episode 3: Powered by Innovation

Focus: Technology, Innovation, Problem Solving, Product Development, Customer Service
Objective: Highlight your commitment to delivering the best possible product or service, by showcasing your approach to innovation, cutting edge technology and exceeding customer expectations.
Potential Content:Prototyping, market research, both quantitative and qualitative. Innovative projects and planning sessions, showcase interactions with your team. What steps are you taking to grow the business/serve more clients?

Episode 4: Heart of the Matter

Focus: Employee Well-being and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Objective: Emphasise company initiatives related to employee well-being and social impact. Communicate your purpose beyond making money, helping to create an emotional connection with viewers. Showcase your commitment to hiring the best talent in your industry, building an Inclusive, high-performing culture through the development of your employees.
Potential Content: Crafted stories that emphasise company culture, values, or wellbeing initiatives. Engaging employee testimonials, wellness programs, community involvement. Learn more about your CSR projects, fundraising initiatives and the charities you support.

Episode 5: Success Story

Focus: Transform Case Studies Into Customer & Client Success Stories
Objective: Build credibility and trust by sharing client experiences brought to life through documenting real life stories framed around your clients challenges and how your process, via your products and services, helped lead them reach new levels of success.
Potential Content: Client interviews, case study exploration, solution implementation stories. Audiences learn how you measure results to maintain each client's success.

Episode 6: Future Forward

Focus: Future Vision and Plans, Growth and Opportunities 
Objective: Inspire confidence by outlining future strategies, upcoming projects, growth plans and ideal clients you’d like to work with. 
Potential Content: Executive interviews, market trends, strategic plans, teaser of what's coming next, can all be used to build excitement and anticipation towards partnerships announcements and new product and service launches. Featuring clients you’d like to work with may be a great way to build relationships necessary to drive your business forward.

Episodes can be:

  • Narrative driven or documentary style
  • Used to motivate your team, giving their work a sense of purpose and meaning 
  • Based on real people and events within, or related to your business
  • Fictional, scripted, dramatised narratives, using professional actors or presenters
  • Brought to life using filming on-location or at your partners and clients premises
  • Adapted or re-edited to suit your internal, external, recruitment and on-boarding communication requirements (or even learning, training and development)
  • An opportunity to communicate your unique difference, and how you exceed customer expectations. Give the audience a reason/ incentive to follow/subscribe to your social media channels.

Production fees start from as little as £6,000 per episode, depending on:

  • Time and resources dedicated to pre-production, script writing, storyboarding, talent sourcing and coaching, if  required (storyboarding is particularly important for interactive narratives). 
  • When and where filming will take place
  • Number of crew and specific equipment required
  • Number of days spent filming, and days spent on post production
  • Deliverables such as duration of each episode and if shorter edits for social media will be required If interactivity will be added.

   Episodes can be:

Narrative driven or documentary style
• Used to motivate your team, giving their work a sense of purpose and meaning 
• Based on real people and events within, or related to your business
• Fictional, scripted, dramatised narratives, using professional actors 
• Brought to life using filming on-location or at your partners and clients premises
• Re-edited to suit your internal, external, recruitment and onboarding communication requirements 
• An opportunity to communicate your unique difference, and how you exceed customer expectations. A motivating factor in following/ subscribing to your social media channels.

  Production fees start from as little as £6,000 per episode dependent on:

Time and resources dedicated to pre production, script writing, storyboarding, talent sourcing and coaching, if     required (storyboarding is particularly important for interactive narratives). 
• When and where filming will take place
• Number of crew and specific equipment required
• Number of days spent filming, and days spent on post production 
• Deliverables such as duration of each episode and
• if shorter edits for social media will be required If interactivity will be added