Using Storytelling To Create A Deeper Connection With 'How To' Videos

Using Storytelling To Create A Deeper Connection With 'How To' Videos

By integrating personal stories into your "how-to" videos, you make your content more engaging, relatable, and memorable.

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Using "How-To" Videos as a Storytelling Tool

In today's digital age, where video content is king, "How-to" videos have emerged as one of the most credible ways to share knowledge and expertise. What if you could take these instructional videos to the next level by infusing them with personal stories? Enhanced by the use of motion graphics, this approach helps to convey practical information and assistance, while helping you to expand your reach.

In this recent production, professional speaker Yasir Khan shares his thoughts and ideas on how to be more articulate. Framing these insights as 'secrets' helps to increase curiosity among viewers and make the information shared appear more exclusive.

Yasir's 'Call To Action' with this video is to encourage people to:

1.  Watch more of his content (through which he can offer his unique perspective)
2. Sign up to his 'Free 10 Day Speaking Course':
3. Encourage viewers to 'join the community' and participate in the conversation in the comments section on his YouTube channel (and other social media platforms)

The Power of Storytelling in "How-To" Videos

Start your video with a short, relatable story that sets the stage. Weave personal anecdotes and experiences into your instructional content. By telling stories about the inspiration behind your projects and challenges you faced during the process, will help to turn dry, factual information into something memorable and relatable.

Crafting Your Story-Driven "How-To" Video

1. Begin with a Relatable Anecdote

This could be a personal experience that highlights the importance of the skill you're about to teach. For example, if you're creating a "how-to" video on to appear more confident on camera, share a story about a time when you struggled during your first video shoot and how learning specific techniques helped you prepare or overcome your fears.

2. Connect the Story to the Lesson

Seamlessly transition from your anecdote to the instructional content. Explain how the experience you shared is relevant to the skills or techniques you’re teaching. This connection helps viewers understand why it's valuable, and the practical application of the lesson.

3. Demonstrate with Authenticity

As you demonstrate the steps or techniques, continue to infuse your personality and voice into the content. Share small stories or additional insights that highlight personal breakthroughs, avoidable mistakes or unexpected benefits. This keeps the content dynamic and reinforces your connection with the audience.

4. Engage with Personal Touchpoints

Encourage interaction by addressing your audience directly throughout the video. Ask them to share their own experiences related to the topic in the comments. Responding to these interactions can make viewers feel valued and heard, fostering a sense of community,  welcoming them into the conversation.

5. Close with an Inspirational Note

End your video with an inspiring message that ties back to your opening story. Encourage your audience to apply what they've learned by taking the first step, reminding them that every expert started as a beginner. This leaves viewers with a positive, motivating impression.

Examples of Story-Driven "How-To" Videos

Personal Finance

  • Example: Share your financial journey, including the mistakes and lessons learned.
  • Video Idea: "How I Paid Off £50,000 in Debt: Tips and Tricks for Financial Freedom."

Career Advice & Development

  • Example: Share anecdotes from your professional life that illustrate the principles you're teaching, such as overcoming obstacles or achieving career milestones.
  • Video Idea: "Climbing the Corporate Ladder: How I Went from barista in a coffee shop to area Manager."

Mental Health and Self-Care

  • Example: Share your personal journey with mental health and the self-care practices that have helped you.
  • Video Idea: "How I Manage Anxiety: Practical Self-Care Tips and Techniques."

Music and Performing Arts

  • Example: Talk about your journey in learning an instrument or performing arts, including the struggles and breakthroughs.
  • Video Idea: "How I Learned to Play the Guitar: Tips for Beginners from My Experience."

Story-driven content is more shareable. When viewers find your videos engaging and relatable, they are more likely to share them with their networks, helping you reach new audiences organically.

About the author


PBS Video Podcast Studio


Content producer

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