Increase Credibility and Engagement Through Sharing Personal Stories

Increase Credibility and Engagement Through Sharing Personal Stories

Personal stories humanise you, showcasing your expertise in a more authentic light. Share your inspiration and unique insights to create deeper engagement with your audience.

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Building Credibility and Engagement Through Personal Stories

In the context of creating a deeper connection with your audience, sharing stories about our growth or personal development will always be a powerful approach. We can build credibility and offer new and unique perspectives. One effective way to do this is by discussing the resources and sources of inspiration that have guided and influenced our thinking.

What Resources Inspired You and Shaped Your Journey?

In this recent production, Yasir Khan talks about nine books that helped to make him an articulate speaker. This video has received over 86,000 video views in the past four months, proving it's a effective approach in not just developing a deeper relationship and connection with existing followers, but an opportunity to reach new viewers and perspective clients.

You can then go onto discuss the changes you made from integrating these insights, and the impact this had on you:

  • Aligning with Purpose: for example.... "By understanding my "why," I ensure that my professional endeavors are purpose-driven and resonate with my core values."
  • Embracing Innovation: for example.... "The principles in this book or that I learned from this framework/approach  allowed me to overcome this problem..... or guided me to stay agile and innovative, identify new ways to improve and grow."
  • Authentic Leadership: for example: "Embracing vulnerability allows me to lead with authenticity, fostering a culture of trust and openness."
  • Habit Mastery: for example: "Applying the principles of X helps me stay disciplined and focused on my goals."
  • Informed Decisions: "Recognising X (such as a bias or becoming more aware of warning signs....) enables me to make more rational and effective decisions."

We can add motion graphics to your videos like this recent production.

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