How To Differentiate Your LinkedIn Profile Using The Power Of Your Personal Story

How To Differentiate Your LinkedIn Profile Using The Power Of Your Personal Story

Use your LinkedIn profile to tell your unique professional story in an engaging and compelling way. Use your LinkedIn profile to grow your influence!

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Stand Out from the Crowd: How to Differentiate Your LinkedIn Profile

In the ever-growing world of professional networking, having a standout LinkedIn profile is more critical than ever. With over 135 million users active on the platform each day, making your profile unique and engaging can be the key to catching the eye of potential clients, recruiters or future business partners.

We produced these 2 videos to help raise awareness of how Linkedin can be used to build a personal brand... which includes strategic tips on how to make a lasting impression.

The Power of Storytelling on LinkedIn

Stories allow us to connect on a deeper level, drawing audiences back for more once a connection has been established. Beyond fairytales, books and Kindles, storytelling is a powerful marketing tool, especially on LinkedIn, to boost visibility and engagement, expand networks and influence.

The Science Behind Storytelling

Stories trigger the release of oxytocin, a hormone that fosters empathy, cooperation and trust. That’s why we encourage clients to create a storytelling culture and place storytelling at the heart of their marketing initiatives and employee engagement/learning programs.

Benefits of Storytelling on LinkedIn

  1. Develop Personal Connections: Stories make you relatable, demonstrating how your services or products can solve your audience's problems, fostering trust and loyalty.
  2. Appeal to Emotions: Emotional stories leave a lasting impact, enhancing your influence on LinkedIn.
  3. Highlight Creativity: Authentic storytelling showcases your creativity, helping you stand out and market yourself effectively.
  4. Stand Out: Your unique story differentiates you from others, making you memorable in a crowded marketplace.

1. Craft a Compelling Headline

Your headline is one of the first things people see on your profile. Instead of simply stating your job title, highlight your unique value proposition to help you stand out. For example, instead of "Marketing Manager," try "Marketing Manager | Expert in Digital Strategy & Brand Development | Helping Businesses Grow Online."

2. Personalise Your Profile Picture and Banner

Your profile picture should be professional yet approachable. Ensure it's a high-quality image where you are well-dressed with a smile. Your banner image should reflect your professional brand, showing you speaking at a conference or a branded graphic with text summarising your USP or related to your industry.

3. Write an Engaging Summary

Your summary is your chance to tell your story. Instead of a dry recitation of your career history, make it personal and engaging. Talk about your passions, what drives you, your key achievements, and what you aim to accomplish in your career. Use a conversational tone to make it more relatable.  Download our free guide to crafting your personal narrative here.

Example (for Partnership Manager):

"I’m passionate about forging strategic partnerships that drive mutual growth and innovation. With over a decade of experience in cultivating and managing high-impact collaborations, I’ve helped companies unlock new markets and expand their reach. When I’m not connecting the dots between businesses, you’ll find me exploring new hiking trails or experimenting with gourmet recipes in my kitchen."

4. Highlight Your Achievements with Rich Media

LinkedIn allows you to add rich media to your profile, such as PDF's, presentations, links to videos sharing personal stories or stories of how you have helped your customers and clients. Showcase your work with links to your project portfolio, or articles you’ve published. This adds visual interest while providing tangible proof of your expertise.

5. Get Endorsements and Recommendations

Endorsements and recommendations from clients, colleagues , mentors and/or previous employees can significantly boost your credibility. Don’t be shy to ask; most people are happy to help. Be specific in your request, asking them to highlight specific skills or achievements, or referencing projects you’ve worked on together.

6. Engage with Content

Posting and engaging with content regularly can set you apart as an active and knowledgeable professional in your field. Share articles, comment on industry news, and post your own insights. This not only keeps your profile active but also demonstrates your thought leadership.

7. Customise Your LinkedIn URL

If you haven't customised your LinkedIn URL already (e.g., it will help it look more professional and will be easier to remember/share. If its not available as you have a popular name, consider adding your dob- ie.

8. Optimise Your Skills and Endorsements

List skills that are relevant to your career and get endorsements for them. This will help ensure you increase your visibility in the search results for that skill. Make sure your skills are up-to-date and remove any that are no longer relevant.

9. Join and Participate in Groups

Joining LinkedIn groups related to your industry can help you network with other professionals and stay updated on industry trends. Participate in discussions to showcase your expertise and build your network.

10. Stay Authentic

While it’s important to present yourself professionally, being authentic  will help build trust and make you more relatable to others.


By following these tips, you can create a profile that not only stands out but also effectively communicates your value to the LinkedIn community. Remember, your LinkedIn profile is a living document—keep it updated, stay active, and continuously refine it to reflect your growing career.

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