Promoters: Bring Your Events to Life Through The Power of Narrative Driven Content

Promoters: Bring Your Events to Life Through The Power of Narrative Driven Content

For live event promoters, transitioning from straightforward advertising to narrative-driven content production offers a unique opportunity to connect with audiences on a more personal level.

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In the fast paced world of live events, standing out isn't just a goal—it's a necessity. For promoters looking to capture and hold the attention of potential attendees and clients, traditional marketing may fall short. Today, the secret ingredient to successful event promotion lies in the production and promotion of narrative-driven content.

By setting the scene and introducing engaging personalities or key employees, promoters can forge a deeper connection with their audience, transforming passive viewers into engaged participants.

Why Narrative Driven Content Matters for Live Events

Live events, from concerts to exhibitions to conferences, are stories unfolding in real-time. Each has its own backstory, unique atmosphere, characters, moments of tension, anticipation and climax. Telling the story of your event in the lead up not only piques interest but also builds emotional investment, which is crucial for turning interest into actual attendance.

Post covid, live events hold a special place in our memories and the idea of an enjoyable experience.  They respond to deep-seated, fundamental human needs— for knowledge, inspiration, escapism, connection, and joy. For promoters, tapping into these emotional needs through strategic, narrative-driven content can transform an ordinary event into an unforgettable experience that attendees will not just want to come back to, but spread word of mouth with friends and in the case of B2B events, their professional network.

Why Emotional Connection Matters

  • For Information: In an age overwhelmed by data and news, people seek curated information that adds real value to their lives. Events like seminars, conferences, and workshops respond to this need by providing focused, relevant content that educates and informs. The key is to present this information not just as facts but in the form of engaging stories to be lived and experienced.
  • For Inspiration: Beyond the routine, there lies a profound human desire to be inspired, to see things from new perspectives, to explore what’s possible. Events such as TED Talks, motivational gatherings, and visionary expos cater to this need. They bring to life the stories of achievers and innovators, making the inspirational tangible and accessible.
  • To Connect: Perhaps one of the most powerful emotional drives is the need to connect with other people. Events create a unique space where individuals can meet others who share their interests, challenges, or aspirations. From fan conventions to professional networking events, the opportunity to feel part of a community is a powerful draw.
  • To Entertain: Entertainment is a fundamental human need, providing a break from the everyday. Concerts, festivals, and theatrical performances bring joy, excitement, and relaxation. They offer an escape, a momentary journey into worlds of music, art, sport and performance, where attendees can experience a spectrum of emotions.
  • To Bring People Together: In a world where division often takes centre stage, events can bridge gaps and bring people together. Cultural festivals, community events, and even sporting events can unite individuals from diverse backgrounds, fostering a sense of unity and shared experience.

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To effectively tap into these emotional needs, event promoters should consider the following strategies:

  • Tell a Story: Don’t just highlight the features of your event—tell its story. Explain why it was created, what it aims to achieve, and how it can enrich the lives of those who attend. Such an approach creates an opportunity to introduce specific team members behind the scenes, highlighting their expertise and passion for what they do. This narrative should weave through all your promotional content, from videos to social media posts.
  • Highlight the Human Element: Use testimonials, interviews, and behind-the-scenes footage to show the human side of your event. Showcase speakers, performers, or attendees discussing what the event means to them and how it meets their needs.
  • Create Engaging Content: Whether through stirring promotional videos, insightful blog posts, or vibrant social media content, make sure each piece captures the unique essence of what your event offers - on an intellectual, social or emotional level. Tailor this content to different platforms using the most suitable formats, whether vertical videos for mobile viewing or longer-form landscapes for deeper engagement.
  • Encourage Community Interaction: Use your event’s digital presence to foster a sense of community before, during, and after the actual event. Engage with your audience through comments, hold Q&A sessions, and share user-generated content to build a connected community.

The Strategy: Long Form vs. Short Form Content

  • Short Form Content (10 to 30 seconds): Ideal for grabbing attention quickly, short clips can be used to highlight the most exciting aspects of your event. Perfect for sharing across social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok where brevity is key. Short form content should be dynamic and compelling, possibly showcasing tantalising highlights of the event, quick interviews with performers or speakers, or rapid behind-the-scenes glimpses—all designed to intrigue and capture attention.

  • Long Form Content (Episodic Style): This format allows you to delve deeper, telling the stories behind the event. From the journey of setting up the event to in-depth profiles of the key performers or speakers, long form content lets you expand on what attendees can expect and why the event matters. This style is suitable for platforms like YouTube, your event’s website, or streaming on services like Facebook Live, where viewers are more likely to engage with content for longer periods.

Vertical vs. Landscape Clips and How They’re Consumed

  • Vertical Clips: With the rise of mobile consumption, vertical videos have become the standard for platforms like Instagram Stories, Snapchat, and TikTok. They are designed to be consumed on the go, making them ideal for quick updates and teasers about your event. Their full-screen format on mobile devices makes them highly engaging without requiring the viewer to change the orientation of their device.
  • Landscape Clips: Traditional landscape videos are still the best choice for detailed storytelling that benefits from a wider frame, such as showcasing sprawling event venues or a detailed look at event activities. Landscape format is preferred for content consumed on desktops, TVs, or tablets where the wider angle enhances the viewing experience, providing a cinematic quality that is perfect for longer, more detailed content narratives.

Implementing Effective Content Strategies for Event Promotion

To effectively use content in promoting your next live event, start planning early. Develop a storyline for your event and decide how best to unfold this story across your content pieces. Schedule releases leading up to the event to build anticipation and maintain interest.

Each piece of content should serve a strategic purpose, whether it's to introduce the event's main attractions, highlight special guests, or provide practical information like venue details and ticketing.

By combining strategic short and long form content, tailored for appropriate devices and platforms, your event promotion can capture hearts and minds, ensuring your next live event isn't just attended—it's experienced.

Email us on to discuss the requirements for your business or event.

About the author


Senior Content Strategist


I'm a seasoned content strategist and creative writer with over a decade of experience in the digital marketing industry.

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