'Values in Action' - Video Podcast Program for Schools & Colleges

'Values in Action' - Video Podcast Program for Schools & Colleges

Bring your school or colleges values to life through a video podcast series created by your students

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‘Values in Action' Interactive Storytelling & Video Production Workshops

In an educational landscape increasingly focused on the holistic development of students as well as academic achievement, Powered By Stories is proud to introduce the 'Values in Action' program. This innovative program allows young people to explore and celebrate the core values trusts, individual schools, colleges, children's homes, youth work organisations stand for - brought to life through the voices of pupils and students.

By interviewing inspirational people in the local community that embody values such as respect, confidence, resilience, democracy and ambition, 'Values in Action' offers a unique opportunity for students to connect deeply with what these values mean in real-world contexts, especially in relation to their personal goals and career aspirations.

Discovering Values Through Storytelling

Students are not just passive learners; they become active participants. The program unfolds in two compelling options, each designed to foster deep engagement and reflection on what these values mean in real-world scenarios.

Learn more about our video production work with schools and colleges here.

Option 1: Reflection & Creation

Involves a series of 6 or 12 half day sessions, typically delivered consecutively over 6 or 12 weeks. Students work in small groups crafting stories framed around each of the values your school or college stands for, exploring how the narratives defined can be applied to their lives.

This introspective journey allows them to create relatable stories that resonate with their peers. Some schools we work with review the values they stand for on a yearly / bi-yearly basis. This program creates an opportunity to review and revise these values, and explore how they can be applied, communicated and brought to life through digital media and interactive video content.

Our process creates alignment between school values and with students' personal values and aspirations.

Our storytelling/ podcast programs can be delivered in our recording studio in Bromley, with adjacent classrooms and spaces for filming, which can accommodate up to 30 pupils or students per session.

Option 2: Full-Day Workshops & Storytelling Production

Involves a series of 6 or 12 full-day sessions.

The morning session follows the same content plan as in Option 1 above. The afternoon session involves students identifying and interviewing a responsible adult where they will be invited to share stories and expand on themes related to those values.

We deliver several programs a month in our studio facility. We also deliver programs in schools and colleges across London.

Participants rotate between roles in the production process.

The Power of Video Podcasts in Education

The choice to culminate each workshop with the production of a video podcast allows students to discover meaning and context for themselves though drawing out values-based stories. Whether promoted internally within the school community or shared externally, these video podcasts serve as a testament to the school's commitment to values in action.

Interviewees may include:

 Teachers or parents 

 Stand out students or previous alumni 

 University or apprenticeships graduates 

 Award winners who exemplify ambition and achievement

 Entrepreneurs and community leaders who embody specific values

 Individuals who have overcome significant obstacles, showcasing resilience and determination.

The Impact of 'Values in Action'

'Values in Action' goes beyond other approaches to incorporating digital media into the curriculum, by making the school's values tangible and relatable. Through engaging students through the theory and application of storytelling and interviewing techniques, students see first hand how these values play out in the lives of individuals they respect and admire. This not only deepens their understanding of each value but also inspires them to incorporate these principles into their own lives, on a conscious and subconscious level.

Such a project may lead to your school's values being reviewed and revised, according to the needs and aspirations of your young people, which of course, change over time. This program ensures these ideals remain relevant and reflective of the community.


"Values in Action" is more than just an educational program; it's a movement towards a more engaged, reflective, and values-driven school community.

Through the power of storytelling and the engagement of the wider community, students are empowered to embody the values that will shape their futures and the world around them.

Email contact@poweredbystories.co.uk to arrange a discussion about how this program can be adapted to your school, your organisation or your young people's specific requirements.

See examples of our video production work with schools and colleges here - learn more about our other video podcast programs here.

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PBS Video Podcast Studio


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